Orchard Teams

Home /UI/UX Design

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Project Details

Orchard Teams is a communication app that allows orchardists and those in the agricultural field to communicate across acres. This centralized portal allows leads to effectively communicate with their team members out in the field.

    OCT-NOV. 2021

  • ROLE
    User Interface Designer

    UI Style Guidelines, Wireframes, Interactive High Fidelity Prototype

  • DEMO
    Interactive Prototype

Project Details Continued

UX Design
Creating a centralized communication app allows all team members to have access to the same information, without the need to look through different text message and email threads. With this app, we are hoping to improve inefficient communication while out on the job.

UI Design
Our goal was to create an easy to use app with minimal functions. Users will be able to easily send out public messages and update the gallery with images of fruit progress and any information they want to document while onsite.